Thursday, May 3, 2012

Captain Rod

I know I’m not alone in the desire to know my dog’s thoughts. I bet he’s full of hilarious one-liners and real world advice.

For now, all I have are educated guesses and I’m pretty sure his thought process is something like this.

 “Captain’s log, day 50. The deckhands ran out of wet food today. Hunger strike is anticipated.”

“Captain’s log, day 62. Something is in the air. I believe the deckhands are cooking bacon for themselves. Full investigation underway.”

“Captain’s log, day 62. Suspicion confirmed. Bacon mysteriously appeared in my dining quarters this evening. The deckhands must have felt guilty.

Captain’s log, day 90. I pooped on the deck this morning. The deckhands are very understanding and believe it to be an accident. Hilarious.”

 Captain’s log, day 103. The sea is rough this evening; weather conditions are quite poor. I do not expect to use proper lavatory facilities while this continues.

I expect we’ll see many more entries of the captain’s log. Rod is quite eager to share his writings.


  1. hahaha...the deckhands around this place fall into the same traps as this captain for sure! Very cute!

  2. Oh is makin me sea sick! By da way....isn't dat why dey calls it da POOP DECK??? Dat's what it's for, right?

  3. Haha! I bet that's exactly what they're thinking!
    Nola's Mom

  4. I love it!
    My mom is afraid to know my thoughts!
    Kisses and hugs

  5. I loved this one - hope to see more entries!
