Thursday, May 17, 2012

Private Rod

There are few times when Rod wants to be alone, but he makes it very clear when he wants privacy. Usually he’s up to no good.

Top 5 reasons Rod wants to be alone.

He’s staring outdoors.

Shredding a stolen napkin.

Just needs to get away.

Sneaky indoor poop.

Reading a book.

Everybody needs to be alone sometimes.

I'm not offended, Rod. 


  1. I love my alone time, especially when brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) tries to jump all over me. Can I come to your house, Rod?

  2. I agree with those reason!
    Kisses and hugs

  3. I agree too, but I have to confess that sometimes I hate it when my mom leaves me alone... and then everybody hears about it.

  4. I don't know how I missed this great post ~ Sorry about that Rod.

    I agree, sometimes we do need our private time just to be us. Looks like you have it down to a science!

    Lily Belle
