Thursday, October 25, 2012

Elitist Rod

I guess when it comes to ball throwing…

...I just don't have the right skill set for Rod.

I try not to be offended.

But I just can't help myself.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Runnin' Rod

You may remember that Rod won the DoxPhest races this time last year.

After a couple pre-lim rounds at this year's race, I noticed Rod has a distinctive way of racing: he charges out of the starting blocks and drifts to the center of the track.

Even if someone is occupying the center of the track.

As his coach I feel like I should advise Rod to ditch this strategy…but Rod is clearly the expert here.

This year he successfully defended his title for a repeat win! Here is a clip of his championship run:

Like every doxie, Rod's gonna do it his own way.

Rod: in good company.

More of Rod's race footage is on his facebook page!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Frosty Rod

As the weather turns colder, Rod turns…frailer. 

Rod is no fan of frosty grass.

Like we didn't already see the Mr. Burns resemblance!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Logic Rod

Today we observe the train of thought that is: Rod Logic. He seems to particularly understand the reasoning of "close enough."

Especially in one particular area...

Makes sense to me, Rod!